Something to Work With
Universal truths can be found everywhere. I found one in an online drawing class. Dave Malan's course wasn't intended to be philosophical or life changing, but I ended up taking it as such.

Sitting with Ruby
I remember reading an article a year or so into sitting about meditation with your kids. The writer explained that she and her husband would sit down for a short session with their children scrambling about all around them. Being a new father at the time, I thought it was total BS. How could you sit with a kid?

Here I Am
The world works and is working in so many ways all of the time. And what I mean by that is that maybe we perceive that we have slow points or lulls in life. Like "the holiday season" is busy and then after new year we are set to wait out the cold (if we are in the cold).

Summer Break Up
For my girls (which means for me and my wife as well) summer has come to a close. Tomorrow they go back to "school". The summer of 3 and 4 has been unexpectedly more fun than I thought it would be. We were free from schedules, the TV collected dust (for the most part), and the girls had the time to learn to be sisters. Every day was filled with something to do while never feeling rushed.